Get More Organic Leads Using This Website Ranking Strategy

EricFromVegas77 Avatar

45% of all people searching for business and products on Google are doing searches with local intent, so your local service must be at the top. Here is how to Get More Organic Leads Using This Website Ranking Strategy.

There are two strategies you can use to achieve a higher ranking.

1. Have the Main Keyword in H1 Tag – This increases the chances of your page ranking for that particular keyword. It would help if you also had the main keyword in your Title.

2. Have the Variation of your Main Keyword in H2 Tags. This is also a great way to increase your chance of ranking. To find variation go to Google keyword Planner and Search for your core services.

Implement these strategies then see your website getting more organic leads.

Local businesses, flood your business with new local customers without big advertising budgets 👉

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